
A to Z Facts About The Recovery After The Knee Replacement Surgery

The patients who have undergone knee replacements do have a variety of questions to ask. If you are among them, then today’s article is dedicated to you.


After how much longer can I leave the hospital after undergoing the surgery?

Since knee replacement is an inpatient procedure which means you have to spend some days in the hospital before you get a discharge. Usually, this period is 1 to 5 days. But the answer to this question is subjective and the days to be spent in the hospital can get lengthened or shortened. But on average, we can say that you can leave an orthopaedic hospital in Ludhiana in between 10 days.

How long does it take for the patient to recover?

It takes no more than 3 months for the patient to completely recover. If you want to recover earlier than that, then it is suggested that you must do some knee strengthening exercises much before you prepare for the surgery.

Did you know?

The patients who are satisfying either of the following credentials do have a particular kind of medical condition which may trigger their recovery to get stretched.

What to expect in the first 24 hours of knee replacement surgery?

Once the Knee Replacement in Ludhiana has successfully been carried out , the patient will wake up and gradually the effect of the anaesthesia begins to fade off. The patient will no doubt experience some pain during the procedure, but with the help of the pain relief methods, pain can be minimized.

In the initial 24 hours, if the doctor feels that the pain is completely under control and the patient is feeling comfortable after the surgery, then the therapist will ask him to stand up and try to endure some weight on the new knees. For a couple of days, the same weight is left to be endured by the patient to make sure the patient is getting easy with the new knees.

The patients who have not yet got discharged from the orthopaedic hospital in Ludhiana are given a walker so that they can start walking on their own soon. After the procedure, it takes the patient’s individual efforts to decide how quickly he is going to recover.


What is the significance of Continuous Passive Motion (CPM) Machines?

There are a couple of doctors who prescribe the CPM machines to be performed after the surgery. This CPM machine helps your leg to move slowly making the patient lie on his or her back. This machine is super useful since the patient can use it for 8 hours while he is asleep.


How much weight can you put on a knee?

The doctors do provide the patients with some of the weight-bearing guidelines even after he is discharged. I will help him to know how much weight he must endure at this particular phase of his life.


Final Comments!

The success rate of the knee replacement surgeries performed by Dr Balwant Singh Hunjan, (Orthopaedic Doctor at Hunjan Hospital) is quintessentially high. If you want to undergo it, then please contact us at our hospital premises – Hunjan Hospital.


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